The sound of the engine is all I can hear. My head is pounding, my breath goes fast. I´m wrapped in several layers of camouflage, my backpack’s laced to my chest , the parachute’s on my back. I go through the check-list one last time :Gun, bullets, water, first-aid, a box of matches, …We are six men in our plane. 500 soldiers in total. 500 men who are going to jump in an unknown future. It´s a cloudy, moist, and warm day . My uniform adheres to my body. We are almost in position. The commander makes signals with his hands…one minute is left. What am I doing here ? I´m fighting for my country. But who am I fighting? Rebels? The enemy’s government? Or innocent people? I have to think about Jack and little Rosie…Am I ever going to see them again ? The minute is over. 5,4,3,2,1..I jump. Free fall. Then I pull the trigger of my parachute, a force flings me a few foot towards the sky again. I have to catch my breath. I´m starting to sink slowly. The sounds of the bombs that were coming from the capitol a couple of miles away suddenly stop. I can only hear the whistling of the wind now. A peaceful silence. But this peace is going to stop as soon as our feet touch the ground. I can see cultivated fields, wheat, corn…A stream separates the fields from a little village with farm houses. Are there still people living there ? I hope they are gone. Our order is to locate and terminate but I´m not ready to kill someone. I´ve trained for this, know how to shoot a gun. Don´t hesitate! A second of hesitation can cost your life! I have a bad feeling … 5, 4, 3, 2, feet touch the ground…
The sound of the engine is all I can hear. My head is pounding, my breath goes fast. I´m wrapped in several layers of camouflage, my backpack’s laced to my chest , the parachute’s on my back. I go through the check-list one last time :Gun, bullets, water, first-aid, a box of matches, …We are six men in our plane. 500 soldiers in total. 500 men who are going to jump in an unknown future. It´s a cloudy, moist, and warm day . My uniform adheres to my body. We are almost in position. The commander makes signals with his hands…one minute is left. What am I doing here ? I´m fighting for my country. But who am I fighting? Rebels? The enemy’s government? Or innocent people? I have to think about Jack and little Rosie…Am I ever going to see them again ? The minute is over. 5,4,3,2,1..I jump. Free fall. Then I pull the trigger of my parachute, a force flings me a few foot towards the sky again. I have to catch my breath. I´m starting to sink slowly. The sounds of the bombs that were coming from the capitol a couple of miles away suddenly stop. I can only hear the whistling of the wind now. A peaceful silence. But this peace is going to stop as soon as our feet touch the ground. I can see cultivated fields, wheat, corn…A stream separates the fields from a little village with farm houses. Are there still people living there ? I hope they are gone. Our order is to locate and terminate but I´m not ready to kill someone. I´ve trained for this, know how to shoot a gun. Don´t hesitate! A second of hesitation can cost your life! I have a bad feeling … 5, 4, 3, 2, feet touch the ground…

Anna Sophie Perez Sanchez