Uh, look! Car rims! Must be
a car factory...or a car rim factory...that is how they manufactured car rims
back in the day? Why are they turning? Slowly turning to funny music...well,
not really funny, more creepy music...if something or someone scares me right
now I will probably freak out. Without this creepy music the minute would be
pretty...normal...just car rims being build...but no, wait, I do not think that
that is what it is...ah! I get it know! It is a textile factory...look at all
the wool spinning in their wheels...so this film must have been like a
documentary on how wool is processed...? But wouldn't there be any people who
watch the machines or who explain the process? Nope, I do not see anyone there
and I also do not see any wool there for that matter...so, what is it then?
creepy music sounds as if thousands of clowns are clonking spoons against
different sized glasses...but they are not really in time with each other,
there is no rhythm...so creepy...anyway, what the hell am I watching? No car
rims, no wool...just turning silver things...oh great, now I have that song in
my mind, that song with the wheels on the bus that go round and round, round
and round, round and round...all through the town...that is going to be stuck
in my head for days now...thanks a lot!
And now it says “hypnotic
pictures presents” on the screen, yea...hypnotic is definitely the right word
for what I am watching...and what do the hypnotic pictures present?...lets
see...awesome...more car rims, or wool-spinning-wheels or whatever...ah ok,
they present a Bill Morrison film...now I know the name of the director, or
better creator...he did not direct the movies after all, he just put them together...
The music is getting more intense, the clowns are getting
nervous...or excited...about what? The spinning things? Hardly. Wait, are they
also singing now?....The clowns, not the silver things...or what is that dark
humming sound in the back? Maybe the clowns are in fact humming in
unison...they are sad clowns...I can hear that much...why clowns anyway? It was
the first thing I thought about when I heard the music. Clowns. I hate clowns.
Concentrate on the film, damn it! Lets continue watching...wasn't
the film supposed to be damaged in some way? Well, it is not...not really...the
picture is quite clear, it just looks a tiny bit blurred and outdated.
Obviously...the film is black and white but besides that the picture is
good...but I still cannot figure out what those spinning silver things are. At
this point, I am just starring HYPNOTIZED on the screen...damn those hypnotic
pictures! They were successful...I can't stop looking at those spinning
things...and I am picturing a choir and orchestra of clowns somewhere behind
the camera, with their spoons and glasses, looking all sad and scary...
Ok, FOCUS! Wait, what is that? What is moving between the
wheels and the big box behind them, whatever that is...that is not important
right now, lets first figure out what those round things are and the thing that
is coming from it...it looks like...ah, damn it! Minutes over! Lets watch it
again and this time remember what you just discovered. If I am right about my
groundbreaking discovery this whole minute makes sense at last.
Now watch the film, watch it...there it is again! Yes! I
understand finally! Of course! How can someone be so stupid and not figure out
what it is...seriously...it is filmstrip, duh! And that makes the turning
silver things filmcases! Yay! I solved the mystery that was not even a mystery.
But if you have no idea what to expect of course you will be confused, at least
if you are not used to this kind of procedure and not used to film material
that looks like that...Today, the movies come in form of DVDs and not in form
of filmstrips anymore...
But the clowns must be super jealous that I beat
them...now they can stop their creepy performance, ah good...they did, minutes
over again...lets watch in one more time to understand the whole minute...
Throughout the minute, I am watching filmcases that are
turning so that the filmstrip is rolled up or uncoiled...maybe the filmstrip is
being produced right now or it is already used...I feel like the latter is more
likely since the whole point of the minute I am watching is to show what
happens to film that is not stored accordingly over the years...well,
whatever...it still looks like car rims to me...
Susan Wolters
Susan Wolters