minute 61

For my second minute I decide not write down my first impression, followed by an analysis of film material like I did with the first minute. On the contrary, I was interest in other people’s opinion, or to be more specific, their first impression. Obviously Facebook is the easiest way to get a lot of feedback from, so I posted minute 61 on my wall, asking people to simply write down their first impressions. I assured that no further knowledge was needed, which led to numerous posts in only a few hours.


Lucia F: the music in conjunction with the glimmering "Surface structure" of the scenes add some kind of dynamic to the pictures. The pictures by themself are not very meaningful. The viewer expects a climax or at least any significant action, but that’s exactly when the minute suddenly ends.

Lucia F: Oh and by the way, I don’t think the movie is strange at all, I rather think it’s very artistic ;)

Felix A: unfortunately I don’t have speakers^^… but the pictures are somewhat frightening to me.. Wisely spoken Lucia :D :D

GeesaW: Goodbye/People who leave. The music conveys the feeling of fear and the numbness of being left alone.

Kos T: plain, standard scenes, sound effectsaddcreeps and horror atmosphere as if something bad is going to happen (tension due to frequency shift), black and white + filter->maybe shot in the 40’s?

Falk B: waiting for a happening..

Dave S: they're walking down towards their death!! scary shit!

Sven G: What the fuck? What might initiated this? 

Robin S: why this combination of film and music?

The film material is for sure very old. The original material had no sound, im sure. The warping and bubbles might, which can be seen at the end, might be the result of some kind of chemical process which occurred during the development.

Miriam L: I see a graveyard and there is a ghost at the beginning. I also see bare trees and the men look like they are about to fall down every second..so everything in this is connected to death?

Benni: I really don’t know what to say… I feel kind of left alone after watching this clip...